When Mobilear performs audio testing, a notification letter is given to the tested employee to inform him or her
of the audiometric test results. In addition to the numerical audiometric data, a chart provides a visual interpretation
of those results.
The information below includes an example of a graph or audiogram along with the numerical data that Mobilear
provides to the employee. The loudness level of sound is measured in decibels or dB, whereas the pitch or
frequency of a sound is measured in Hz. The blue and red lines indicate the data points of the left and right ears,
respectively. The numerical data of the charted information is indicated by the pink box.
Generally, numbers between 0-25 dB or less are considered normal hearing. As in the chart below, the lines shown
ABOVE the 20 dB measurement (green line) indicate that this person’s hearing is in the normal range. Numbers
greater than 25 dB indicate a hearing loss.
If a change in hearing is noted, lines BELOW the 25 dB measurement (green line) indicate that a hearing loss
has occurred. Please note that the degree of hearing loss can only be interpreted by a licensed or certified
audiologist, otolaryngologist, or other physician.
The annual test results are provided along with the first test results (or baseline test). The purpose of conducting
the testing is to look for changes in hearing according to guidelines set by OSHA. Minor variations between the
numbers from year to year are not significant. For example, a score of 35 at the 3000 range in 2005 which increases
to 40 at the 3000 range in 2006 is not considered a significant change. OSHA looks at the average change in
hearing. Following is an explanation of OSHA guidelines and hearing loss classifications.
Mobilear’s notification letter also indicates whether any changes in hearing have occurred since the baseline
test. If a change in hearing has occurred, Mobilear will contact you, the company, to discuss the necessary
follow-up protocol.
Mobilear also applies Medical Referral criteria to the test results. If the results trigger this criteria, a paragraph
is included in the letter recommending the employee check with his or her physician. It is the responsibility
of the individual employee to follow up on medical referrals.
The letters can be customized to include additional information specific to your company. Let us know if you
would like to modify your current letters and personalize them with your company information or follow-up.
We hope this helps in explaining the audiometric test results your employees. As always, if you have any
questions, please contact Mobilear at info@mobileartesting.com or 630-241-0990.
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